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ACCUiN JAK2 ex14 Mutation Screening Kit
Product number
No. of Reactions
48 tests
Testing principle
ACCUiN JAK2 ex14 Mutation Screening Kit is designed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology, which utilizes specific primers to amplify the targeted region of human JAK2 gene exon 14, followed by analysis of the mutation status through Sanger sequencing. ACCUiN JAK2 ex14 Mutation Screening Kit detects mutations within the JAK2 exon 14, specifically covering codon 596 to 621. ACCUiN JAK2 ex14 Mutation Screening Kit includes JAK2 ex14 quality control (JAK2 ex14 QC) to monitor the accuracy of the testing workflow and results. ACCUiN JAK2 ex14 Mutation Screening Kit accommodates at least 48 testing reactions.
Simple Flowchart

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